According to ProVideo Coalition, a recent update to Final Cut Studio now supports R3D files. At least, the same way it handles P2: re-wrapped as QT files.
We could always transcode to ProRes or work with proxies, but this now gives us the ability to work with the full 12-bit RGB data. This will be especially usefull in Color ((While I'm still relatively new to color grading and Red in particular, apparently DPX didn't even support this. Which means we can really pull more highlight data.)).
There are a few caviats, such as being Intel-only, still no ability to work with full 4k (just the 2k data), and no Raw or Redcode timeline, since these are still read-only. Still, I'm very, very happy to gain the ability to work with the raw data instead of transcoded ProRes files or the proxies.
[Thanks John.]