It all started with this tweet:
the sooner interlaced video dies a horrible death, the better.
Once I retweeted that, it elicited the following response:
@vonherwig @dan_hin |h|W|t|a|w s|o|r|g|n i|w|h|t n|i|e|t|l|r|c|a|n|i|?|g| #WrongFieldOrder
It all started with this tweet:
the sooner interlaced video dies a horrible death, the better.less than a minute ago via webDan Lucyszyn-Hinton
Once I retweeted that, it elicited the following response:
@dan_hin @conigs |W|h|a|t|s w|r|o|n|g w|i|t|h i|n|t|e|r|l|a|c|i|n|g|?|less than a minute ago via Twitter for MacDan Herwig
@vonherwig @dan_hin |h|W|t|a|w s|o|r|g|n i|w|h|t n|i|e|t|l|r|c|a|n|i|?|g| #WrongFieldOrderless than a minute ago via EchofonPaul Conigliaro
@conigs @dan_hin Looks fine on my Trinitron. *shrugs*less than a minute ago via Twitter for MacDan Herwig
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