November 13, 2008

Scarlet & Epic are (Almost) Here


If ever there was pro-gadget porn, this is it.

Basic info for the Scarlet and Epic:

2/3", S35, or FF35 sensor
3k-6k resolutions
$2,500-$12,000 (body only)

S35, FF35, or 645(!) sensor
5k-9k resolutions
$28,000-$45,000 (body only)

Or you can get 28k for $55,000. What?

To jump right to the jucy bits, take a look at the full brochure. I can't wait to get my hands on that footage. 28k? I want it.

[via pro•active•ly]

November 12, 2008


So, it's 11 months late, but I've finally started to get some pieces up on the portfolio section of the site.

I've got one issue with it though (aside from it not being complete). Shadowbox, the media viewer I'm using, seems to have an issue with Firefox 3 and Adblock. It prevents any plugin media (including flash & quicktime) from loading in the viewer. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them. Right now, though, I think my best bet is to just provide a different view option for those users who may be affected. Are there any special firefox-only functions that can be used to detect plugins? I'd want this to be as automated as possible.

November 4, 2008


I voted. Did you?
Please, no matter your party or political affiliation, vote. There's no reason to complain about long lines or the inconvenience. If you don't vote and don't like the way the election turns out, you have no reason to complain. Period.
Now vote!

November 3, 2008

O}-< Meets Q

Slam poet Rives tells a short tale through typography. While I'm usually one to denounce what IM and text messages have done to writing skills, this is a creative use.

[via MetaFilter]

October 29, 2008

Homer ’08

I'm not sure who put this up, but it really made my morning.

October 24, 2008

Motion (Graphics || Design)

Motionographer currently has a poll simply asking "Motion Graphics" or "Motion Design"?

I've often toyed with the idea of referring to myself as a Motion Designer, though this post is mainly referring to the actual product or service itself.

(At the time of the posting, Motion Design is winning with 54% of the vote, Motion Graphics at 33%, and Neither at 11%.)

October 24, 2008

Take Your Own Advise

Recently, I bagan the migration to a different invoicing system. One of the apps that caught my eye was Billings 3. While perusing their Anatomy of an Invoice page, I noticed something interesting. One of the bullet points:

5. It is best to use alternating row colors for the line items area. Make it easy for the client to follow each line item from left to right.

That's good advice. But this is the image that accompanies the page:


Hmm... Well, it's a little light, maybe we just can't see the alternating row colors. Let's darken it and up the contrast:

line item

Maybe they should take their own advise?

(As an aside, it also seems this functionality is lacking from the software itself, not just the example image.)

October 23, 2008

DSLR “Cinematizing” Kit

A company called Redrock Micro is introducing a DSLR kit to allow for rail mounted lenses and follow focus knobs. At first glance, it looks like a typical rail system, until you notice a 5D Mark II attached. I have to admit, despite my initial skepticism, I'm getting a little more excited to see what people do with a kit like this.

Granted, there are already options on the table to attach 35mm lenses to traditional video cameras, but using a DSLR will make this much more portable (and prevent loss of light through ground glass). I do have to wonder, though. If you're already going through the trouble of using a system like this, why aren't you using a camera that offers more control over and less compression of the image?

[via Gizmodo, thanks Ryan]

// Update: This comment on Gizmodo I think further proves my point that this above the head of average consumers:

How are you supposed to hold the thing other than the handle on top?? The back is just four rods sticking out.

Tripod, dolly, shoulder mount, steadycam, etc. A kit like this isn't meant to be a camcorder.

October 22, 2008

Sea Kittens

No. Fish are not, nor will they ever be referred to as "Sea Kittens." Actually, don't clikc on that link. Peta doesn't need the page hits. Here's what it says:

People don't seem to like fish. They're slithery and slimy, and they have eyes on either side of their pointy little heads—which is weird, to say the least. Plus, the small ones nibble at your feet when you're swimming, and the big ones—well, the big ones will bite your face off if Jaws is anything to go by.

Of course, if you look at it another way, what all this really means is that fish need to fire their PR guy—stat. Whoever was in charge of creating a positive image for fish needs to go right back to working on the Britney Spears account and leave our scaly little friends alone. You've done enough damage, buddy. We've got it from here. And we're going to start by retiring the old name for good. When your name can also be used as a verb that means driving a hook through your head, it's time for a serious image makeover. And who could possibly want to put a hook through a sea kitten?

What's even better are their "facts" such as "Contrary to popular belief, the technical term for sea kitten offspring is 'baby sea kitties,' not 'caviar.'"

October 22, 2008

Aren’t we beyond this yet?


[...] he says the United States is a white, Christian nation - and only with white Christians should be in power.

Republican vs Democrat ((Shouldn't we also be beyond a two-party system?)) aside, is this really how people still think?

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